09/08/20 by Topeka Metro
Topeka Metro waives fares through end of September 2020
TOPEKA, KANSAS (August 18, 2020) — At their August 17 meeting, the Topeka Metro board of directors voted unanimously to waive fares and require passengers who ride fixed route buses to use rear door entry through the end of September.
TOPEKA, KANSAS (August 18, 2020) — At their August 17 meeting, the Topeka Metro board of directors voted unanimously to waive fares and require passengers who ride fixed route buses to use rear door entry through the end of September. Those who ride the fixed route buses and require the ramp, or need the bus lowered, may do so through the front entry doors.
The board voted to take this action to continue to protect the health and safety of both our bus operators and bus passengers. These measures will be in place until September 30, 2020.
Passengers are required to wear a face mask when riding the bus. Topeka Metro expects passengers to be responsible and to have their own mask to protect themselves and others. The mask requirement went into effect on Thursday, July 9, 2020 and will be in place until further notice. Topeka Metro also encourages and will impose social distancing requirements in the lobby at Quincy Street Station, at bus stops and in the bus waiting areas in the Quincy Street Station lot.