12/15/20 by Topeka Metro
Bus fares waived through Dec. 31, 2020
TOPEKA, KANSAS (November 16, 2020) — At the Topeka Metro board of directors meeting November 16th, the board voted to extend the fixed route rear boarding and free fares through December 31st, 2020. Fares will also be waived during this time for the paratransit bus as well as the Flex route bus. Front door boarding will still be permitted for those with mobility issues needing to use the ramp or kneeler. Safety chains near the bus operator at the front of the bus will remain secured. Passengers are required to wear a face mask when riding the bus. Topeka Metro expects passengers to be responsible and to have their own mask to protect themselves and others. The mask requirement went into effect on Thursday, July 9, 2020 and will be in place until further notice. Bus operators in fixed route buses are not required to wear a face covering while they are in the operator compartment with the safety barrier closed and latched. Face coverings are required at all other times for operators.
Topeka Metro will continue to impose social distancing requirements in the lobby at Quincy Street Station, at bus stops and in the bus waiting areas in the Quincy Street Station lot. Topeka Metro has “ambussadors” who sanitize surfaces inside the buses in-between runs, and inside and outside of the bus station. Topeka Metro continues to deep clean our buses for the six days a week that we operate.